New Citizen Science Paper
A paper has been published in Frontiers of Marine Science with the title Using citizen science to estimate surficial soil Blue Carbon stocks in Great British saltmarshes. Read it here

EGU 2022
The C-SIDE team were out in force at the UK Saltmarsh Specialists Forum in Hull.

Blue Carbon Confrence
The international blue carbon conference took place over the last two days in Edinburgh, the C-SIDE team was out in force in person and online discussing UK saltmarshes with researchers from around the world.
Read the programme here.

New Report
New Scottish Government report looking at surficial carbon stocks with Scottish saltmarsh lead by the C-SIDE team and based on the data collected by the Citizen Science team
Check it out here

New Paper
New Geoderma Paper from the C-SIDE team project - looking at the effects of coring methods on the compaction and the subsequent impact on carbon stock estimates
Check it out here

The Last Sample
The visit to the Isle of Wight marked the last of C-SIDE's fieldwork. In the last 11 months we have visited sites across the UK from Shetland to the Isle of wight collecting thousands of samples. Now it time to get them analysed

Revisiting Essex
The C-SIDE team revisted essex this week. In total 8 natural and reclaimed marshes were surveyed and sampled.

Wales - Sampling Campaign
The welsh component of the C-SIDE team have been busy in the last month sampling marshes across North Wales and the Severn. They also made a few new friends while undertaken the GPS survey.

Tribute to
Richard Payne
The C-SIDE team are deeply saddened to hear about the death of Richard.Richard’s passing is a huge loss to the scientific community, especially in the areas of peatlands and climate change

EGU Presention
AnnaClaire Marley presented a poster at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly focuses on the Teabag Index in salt marsh environment. meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2019/EGU2019-14973.pdf

Blue Carbon in the News
Blue Carbon has been in the news check it out at:

Kyle of Tongue
The St Andrews and Leeds teams were in the North of Scotland collecting samples from the most northern mainland saltmarsh in the UK

New Analytical Equipment
A new analytical facility has been installed at the University of St-Andrews to support C-Side Project. The Thermogravimetric Analyser (TGA) will be used to better understand the quantity and quality of the carbon stored in the UK saltmarsh.

New Climate X Chnage Report
A new report has been published looking at the potential for saltmarsh realignment in Scotland to combat climate change. Read it here

New Book
The C-SIDE team contributed a chapter to the new book - Challenges in Estuarine and Coastal Science published for the 50th anniversry of the Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association - See it here

C-SIDE on the BBC
Bill Austin and Lucy Miller appeared on the BBC news today, discussing the potential fall saltmarshes to act as natural climate solutions.
Read the story here.

RSSSE 2021
The C-SIDE team is taking part in the Royal Society's Summer Science Exhibition.
Check out the resource we have put together here

MCCIP Report
The MCCIP report has been published. The C-SIDE team contributed to the Coastal Habitats Science Reviews.
See it here

The Isle of Wight
The C-SIDE team visited one of the most southern UK marshes at Newtown on the Isle of Wight this week. We collected over 20 new cores and a variety of other samples.

New Paper
New C-SIDE paper testing the Tea Bag Index method in a Scottish saltmarsh and if it is a useful proxy for organic carbon breakdown? Led by a St Andrews Undergraduate now at the UCSB
Find here

The Wash - Sampling Campaign
The York and Leeds team spent a week in collecting soil samples, undertaken vegetation surveys and harvesting biomass on the large marshes of the Wash.

Essex - Sampling Campaign
The C-SIDE team spent a week in and around Colchester sampling saltmarshes. In total 9 natural and reclaimed marshes were surveyed and sampled. We will be back for a second round of sampling in September.

Team Meeting
The second full team meeting took place this week. With discussions focusing on the large field 2019 field campaign.

New Paper
New Open Access Paper from the CEH team project - looking at the effects of saltmarsh restoration on carbon accumulation.

Method Development
The C-SIDE team spent 2 days in Morcambe Bay testing out techniques that we are going to use to collect samples over the next 3 years

Our new project logo designed by Research Fellow Cai Ladd.

EGU 2022
On Friday Lucy Miller presented her research at the EGU General Assembly in the coastal wetlands session. Read the abstract here

As part of the blue carbon conference Lucy Miller presented a poster on her work looking at soil carbon stocks and burial rates across Scottish marshes.

New Blue Carbon news feature on STV news
Bill Austin featured in a new STV news feature on Blue Carbon and Hope Spots. Check it out here

The Last Last Sample
The C-SIDE team York, collected the last samples for the project, now it time for a lot of lab work.

Orkney Blue
Carbon Audit
The Orkney Blue Carbon Report was published on 13 January, with contributions from the C-SIDE team.
Check it out here

Rob Mills Joins C-SIDE
Rob Mills has recently joined the University of York and the C-SIDE project. Within the project Rob will bring is expertise in functional ecology and mountain environments to the UK's saltmarsh.

Solway - Sampling Campaign
The St Andrews C-SIDE team with the help of an undergraduate just finished surveying and sampling two marshes on the Nith river and at Wigtown Bay both within the Solway.

Essex - Sampling Campaign
Members of the C-SIDE team attented the 1 day Blue Carbon 2019 confrence in Edinburgh. Team members presented a range of oral and poster prsentations.

Citizen Science Project - Launch
The C-SIDE project is looking for help with sampling saltmarsh across the UK - GET INVOLVED

The St Andrews team were on the Orkney Islands last week to sample at the loch of Stenness and RSPB Waulkmill reserve. We even got to do some follow up sampling at the Kyle of Tongue.

Rory Wood a St Andrews undergraduate was out sampling Skinflats marsh on the River fourth for his final year project.

C-SIDE's Twiiter feed is up and running follow us at @NERC_CSIDE
#bluecarbon #sealevel #saltmarsh #CSIDE

Kick Off Meeting
The first meeting of the C-SIDE project took place at the School of Ocean Sciences at the University of Bangor. The meeting brought together partners from all institutions to kick off the project and plan the project's extensive fieldwork.